ALL Pleasure Principles course materials online:
- Learn the EXACT tools and tips you need directly from someone who’s lived it
- Wake up feeling good in The First Minute
- Stop feeling out of control around food and eating
- Break free of the loss/gain cycle
- End self-sabotage around food, regardless of your history or the details of your present
- Get and stay motivated to eat well, be active, and take good care of you
- Have clarity so you can meet the goals most important to you
- Make progress and feel great without losing yourself or your personality in the process
- 24 comprehensive lessons, complete with videos, transcripts, mp3s
- All materials are 100% downloadable
- Lifetime access
STAY: The Power to Pause & Choose Wisely (video)
Strongest choice for:
Blessed eaters
ALL Pleasure Principles course materials, PLUS:
- Insider Membership – get well in a crew of other intelligent, dynamic women all over the planet
- 200+ no-BS deep dive videos to help you rock the Principles (the Answers Archive is massive & fully searchable)
- Powerful, daily protection against complacency, self-sabotage, and built-in forgetters, via
- Brain-changing prompts & discussions 365 days a year in our private, secret, members- and women-only FB group
- Personal, honest support in our LIVE monthly Q&A webinars
- Internalize the tools quickly with course worksheets
- Priority access to any and all course updates
- Option to get direct support from Coffey to help you meet your goals quickly & with care
- Practical Motivation Tips & Tricks (video)
- Rocking Self-Care in a Crazy Full Life (video)
- The Power of Keeping it Simple (video)
*No obligation; cancel anytime
Strongest choice for:
Chronic self-saboteurs
Stressed eaters
Obsessed eaters
ALL Pleasure Principles & Insider materials, PLUS:
- Comprehensive 1-on-1 intake with Coffey
- Monthly check-in calls with Coffey
- Personalized guidance
- Limited availability
Strongest choice for:
Stressed & Obsessed eaters who want direct accountability
*12 month min. commitment